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  • Pick the type of complaint (for yourself or on behalf of the victim) & give a short title for your complaint.
  • Fill in the details on the workplace bully with information on the date , time , location , type of bullying , your details and the details of the suspect.
  • Select workplace of the victim. For healthcare facilities beside HQ and NIH, your selection is under state.
  • “Your Details / Butiran peribadi andais the details of person sending the complaint. If you are sending the complaint on behalf of the victim. Please fill in the victim's information in the "additional information" field. If the complaint is done for yourself, you can skip the "victim’s details" in "additional information" field.

Please provide your feedback

Additional Information:

Tell us about your particulars

User account for Public Complaint Management System (SISPAA) ?


I acknowledge that I have read and understood the definition of complaints and complaint management procedures by the Malaysian government. All personal information and information submitted by me is true and I am responsible for it.

All information will be kept confidential and only used by the Malaysian Government.


The Malaysian government is not responsible for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using this service.